We now have a member area on our website that will make connecting with the Cottage even easier for our guests. When you become a member, you have special access to areas of our site and are able to manage how you interact with us as well as other members. Planning a baby shower or bridal tea, or maybe the perfect birthday bash or a romantic anniversary celebration? Keep track of it all through your member access.
What can members do?
Members can follow each other, write and reply to comments and get notifications. Each member gets their own personal profile page that they can customize which includes, order status, subscriptions, bookings and a member gallery to share your event with other members and can even earn badges and discounts.
P.S. Love to write?
If writing is your talent or passion and you have something tea-worthy to share, you can even submit a blog post for publishing consideration.
Here’s how to do it:
Head to our Members Page
Click log in then sign up. You can sign up with Facebook or Google if you like.
Enter your information and personalize your profile how you wish.
Don't forget to download our app for easy mobile communications.
Figured it
May I have a link to the members page?